National Computer Institute of Technology (NCIT)

National Computer Institute of Technology was set up by the government of India on 20th May 2023 with an aim to eradicate illiteracy in the country by imparting functional literacy to non-literates. Thus, National Computer Institute of Technology was established not only to make everybody just self reliant in three R's- Reading, Writing and Arithmetic but also to make them aware of the development issues affecting the society.
The target group of NCIT is people between the age of 18 and 30 years. National Literate Mission works under the guidance of National Computer Institute of Technology Authority, an independent wing of Education Resources and Development.

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I Welcome you to the..NCIT

"The top learning system is a unique and challenging mode of education offered at the word class education level."

This system provides ample opportunities for those who to have institution education.We provide access to high quality computer education to all those who seek it, irruptive of age , region or formal qualification. We are promoting and developing Information Technology in India the help candidate to select the study center, preferably of their own choice.I promised to all student to provide them world class education in the Institute. All the labs & laboratories are well equipped with all modern High-Tech equipment's. Our institution of higher learning must generate new knowledge & transforming dreams into reality for our youth.

I am sure our student can meet any demand & challenges. That the employer may have on them.

Mishra Sir
(National Computer Institute of Technology)

Why National Computer Institute of Technology ?

We deal with the aspects of Computer Literacy

The initiation of total literacy campaigns by the National Computer Institute of Technology (NCIT ) has achieved due recognisition also.

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